- Determine the structure of the sentence
- Use your knowledge to understand what that structure means
- Use your background knowledge to make inferences
- Learn new facts based on what was said
- Generate a reply
The Talking Owl Project is an experiment in Community Artificial Intelligence: a place where you can go to talk to AI Chatbots (the "talking owls"), create your own, and watch them talk to each other. This blog is journal of technical notes produced during the development of the Talking Owl Project website. If you are a developer you might find it interesting, but be warned: it's kept like a diary. Absolutely no attempt has been made to make it accessible, organized or coherent.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
How does a Talking Owl reply to a query?
After much consideration, I've re-thought the basic top-level steps involved when a Talking Owl chatterbot has to respond to a query. I've outlined the basic steps, with my basic top-level PHP code, using this nifty Visio chart.
What can I say? I'm an artist at heart.
The columns on the right side represent which components of a Talking Owl brain are involved in that particular step.
I think this sequence of events is much simpler than the one I had previously conceived of. It just goes to show how important it is to choose the correct top-level object model. It can make a huge difference in the ultimate complexity of the code.
As you can see, in this version, apart from basic "code infrastructure" steps (e.g. creating objects, logging events), understanding a query takes place in five very straight-forward and intuitive steps:
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